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Maskiner som inte fungerar från ett företag som inte finns? Bonk Business, konstnären Alvar Gullichsens fiktiva företag har utvecklats från ett tankeexpriment till en fullskalig mediahappening. Idag finns Bonk Business beskrivet i böcker, en hundraårshistorik, dramadokumentärer, musik-cd-skivor, turnerande utställningar...
Vi producerar multimedia för Bonk Business. Bonk ger oss en möjlighet att driva konceptutvecklingen ett steg längre än vad som är möjligt i andra sammanhang.
Utställningen har bland annat visats på:
  • National Museum of Photography, Film and TV i Bradford, England
  • Finska Ambassaden i Washington
  • Electrokinetics Gallery, New York
  • Leo Kamen Gallery, Toronto
  • Nordens Hus, Färöarna
  • Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, Frankrike
  • Kulturhuset, Stockholm
  • Nordjyllands Konstmuseum, Aalborg

Läs mera:

The Bonk concept is owned by Mad Dog Productions.
"If this version of history has you dazed, blame the Embassy of Finland, which is sponsoring a deadpan, hilarious exposition of the ersatz products of the zany mythical Bonk Business, which was created by Finnish artist Alvar Gullichsen and half a dozen whacked-out associates.

The show includes a video Monty Python would be proud of, a rib-tickling "history" of the company, which was supposedly founded by a foundling fisherman who discovered the epochal "anchovy effect" a century ago, and a whole host of gleaming machines that are absolutely guaranteed to do absolutely nothing. The whole thing, cooked up over many a long dark northern winter, is a lighthearted sendup of business, sex, government, society, history and itself.
This Bonk Business business is something else. Do not ask what is it, just you go and make a visit."

"Finns, Completely Bonkers" by Hank Burchard
Washington Post, Friday, May 29, 1998
